Registration Opens for GEAPS Exchange

See, Learn and Explore Kansas City, Missouri, February 25-28, 2023
The Grain Elevator and Processing Society announces registration is open for GEAPS Exchange 2023. GEAPS is looking forward to seeing grain industry professionals in the Heart of America February 25-28, 2023, at Kansas City Convention Center in Kansas City, Missouri. Save money by registering early! The conference is $395 for GEAPS members and $625 for non-members who register by February 2. Register online at
The conference includes an Expo Hall filled with technology and services to make grain operations safer and more efficient; education on the latest trends and best practices and social events that help reinforce business relationships. Be sure to watch our website as information will be added regularly.
Chris Blair, who serves as president of GEAPS’ board of directors, said he is excited to return to Kansas City—and he’s excited for those making their first trip to GEAPS Exchange. “Take a deep breath and take the whole Exchange in,” he said. “There are many opportunities to be involved and I encourage you to take advantage of your opportunity to meet new people and connect with as many people as possible. You never know when you will need help troubleshooting something or looking for service on anything in our industry.”
See the Latest Technology and Services
GEAPS Exchange is the best way to see what is new in the industry and to find new equipment for your plant. The Expo Hall features hundreds of exhibitors, many of whom bring products to the show. Get your hands on the equipment and talk about how it fits in your plant. GEAPS members get free admission to the Expo Hall and lunch is provided for all attendees and exhibitors.
Sessions inside the Expo Hall include a grain entrapment rescue demo and small-group presentations on maintenance, safety and grain operations.
Beyond the Expo Hall, the Idea Exchange showcases new products in the industry and innovative ideas that facility managers have recently implemented to improve operations. Education continues throughout the event with interactive sessions in the hall and four tracks of educational sessions. The education schedule includes:
• Keynote Speaker: 8 a.m., Sunday, February 26
• Idea Exchange: 9:45 a.m., Sunday, February 26
• Education Sessions: Monday, February 27 and Tuesday, February 28
• Closing Celebration: 2 p.m., Tuesday, February 28
Reconnect with Friends at GEAPS Exchange 2023
GEAPS Exchange includes several fun social events that show off the character and flavor of the host city. All social events are located in Kansas City Convention Center.
Social events include:
• The Mixer (for international and first-time attendees): 6 p.m. Saturday, February 25
• Get Acquainted Party: 7 p.m., Saturday, February 25
• Welcome Reception: 4:30 p.m., Sunday, February 26
• Closing Reception: 3:30 p.m., Tuesday, February 28
Exchange Housing Options at GEAPS Exchange 2023
GEAPS has negotiated discounted room rates at hotel properties near the convention center. GEAPS’ housing management company, eShow, will handle all hotel reservations and inquiries. Reservations can be made while registering for the event.
The room block cut-off date is February 2. After this date, room availability will be based on hotel availability and may not be available at the discounted rate. The room block cancellation deadline is January 19.
Share Your Brand and Products with the Industry at GEAPS Exchange 2023
For companies who supply products and services to grain storage and processing plants, the conference is an opportunity to meet new customers and show your support for the industry. We have already seen an enthusiastic response from industry companies. Do not be left out. Limited booths and sponsorship opportunities are still available. For more information, send a message to
Website Updates
As a result of technological advancements, all things GEAPS, including GEAPS Exchange, may be found on one website! You’ll find everything you need to plan your visit to the biggest and best show in the grain industry at
The Grain Elevator and Processing Society (GEAPS) is an international professional association of grain handling and processing professionals. GEAPS addresses the industry’s critical grain handling, storage and processing operations needs by providing networking, professional development programs and access to a global marketplace of industry suppliers. GEAPS’ global network includes nearly 3,000 individual members from more than 1,100 companies. Join our network today!

Jessica Waltzer
Communications Manager